How to Convert Word into PDF

Converting word into PDF is as easy as a click. All you need to have is a word add on. You can even save other office documents into PDF using this marvelous add on.

convert pdf into word

Converting word into PDF

The PDF version of a file is not only visually better but it has better portability and security associated with it. This is why we find almost all online books in the PDF format. You too can have a PDF version of your word file, if you take some time to install this little add on ‘Save as PDF’ from the Microsoft.

The save as PDF add on

This add on enables you to save your Microsoft office documents into PDF and XPS formats, thereby providing them an enhanced outlook along with other benefits related to PDF files. If you have a license for the software (Microsoft Office), you can download it and enjoy converting and exporting eight types of office documents into PDF file and even sending them via email attachments.

Downloading Save as PDF add on

You can download this add on directly from Microsoft download centre. For your convenience I provide you the links.

Go here if you like to have only the save as PDF feature,

Go here if you want to have both the features, i.e. saving as PDF or XPS,

Using Save as PDF 

  • This is the easiest of all. After you download the add on, just care to install (run) it on your PC by double clicking on the application.
  • Thereafter, open Microsoft words (Open an existing document or create a new one). 
  • Click on the Office button on the upper left corner of your document. 
  • Click save as and select Save as PDF or XPS. Select the location and filename and you are done.

This is how this one button click will look like in word or excel documents,

Converting word into PDF

save as pdf or xps

Converting Excel into PDF

save as word or pdf 1

You can find this option in office or file menu depending upon the application you are using. If you want to convert your web page into PDF, then don’t miss this post- ‘How to convert web page into PDF.’