Nice Guys Always Finish Last: Reality or Myth

Do nice guys always finish last? What if you are a nice guy, does it mean you are destined to lose? Let us find out the implications of this proverb.

Last is not always the least

The last is not always the least, but there must be some blatant truth with ultimate surety why this proverb “Nice guys always finish last” has gained so much popularity. Before we scrutinize this statement, it will be better if we sort out the definition of a nice guy. Amazingly, there is no person in this world who thinks he is incorrect in spite of the numerous mistakes committed by him. Another truth is that people are not always what they seem to be. There is a lot of duplicity and diplomacy that makes up the image of a person. And finally, the most shocking revelation is that a right person is rarely successful in maintaining an image that the society terms as ‘nice’. Then who the hell is nice, might be your next topic of argument. For the ease of discussion, let us include those men who are cultured, honest, sensitive and altruistic and leave out those with dual character.

Our next effort would be to find out the feasibility of this proverb. The exact meaning of this saying may differ according to the perception of a person, though the underlying assumption remains the same. However, it is not plausible to discuss each and every supposition related to the statement, so I decided to sort out a few of them that really make sense and need an explanation, here are they-

Nice guys are always unsuccessful

This conclusion is essentially false. People are forced to believe it because they think that nice men are unfit for the worldly affairs and poor in dealing with day to day problems. This is true to some extent since the decision of honest people is value driven rather than being consequence driven. But very few people realize that this demerit is neutralized by the quality of focus which enables them to complete their tasks with amazing ease and success rate. This happens because a resolved person does not have to think too much before taking a decision, which saves his time and energy to be utilized where it actually should have been.

Now come to the emotional part. Good people are sentimental but not emotional. Opposite to the common belief, their decision is factual instead of emotional in nature. But the sentiments are almost always taken advantage of which accounts for the gradual drop of self belief in some people and becomes the cause of failure. The key to success lies in self belief. Just like diplomatic people, straight forward people also enjoy their share of some unique God gifted strengths. What I can conclude is that it is impossible to defeat a nice guy if he sticks to his basic nature and makes use of his own strengths and there are numerous examples of this kind of people.

In addition, success means differently to different people. It is measured by how much you achieve out of how much you aspire. This aspect is common to both the guys and the gals. If Mother Teresa had dreamt of serving humanity, she is a great success even when you know that she led an exceptionally simple life and remained unmarried for her entire life. Your own opinion about your accomplishments is anything that matters above all.

Nice guys get late success in life

Nice men are rarely tactful. They often tend to learn by trial and error method. These types of men make a brilliant start, but slow down a bit after being cheated and misused several times. They gain valuable experience and maturity only after accumulating numerous wounds. A lot of time and resources are used up in recognizing the true nature of people and the ways to deal with them which accounts for the late success. Some people lose hope in life, but whosoever decides to continue gets a late success, but a success worth mentioning.

Women are least impressed by nice guys

This is alarmingly true. Nice guys are weak in some very important aspects of relationship management. Some people term the lack of self confidence as the obvious reason but the truth is otherwise. The bad guys show their confidence in the form of rashness and are generally seen hiding behind the bushes when the real time arrives. And then a nice guy has to rise to the occasion and prove his worth. Contrary to the common perception, nice guys take time to open to a girl just because they value their self-respect as much as a girl does and not because they are shy. Whatever might be the reason, a nice guy is poor at flirting, manipulation, show offs and particularly at donning out false praises. The women therefore feel neglected and accuse them of either cowardice or ego-centricity according to their ease.

The so called man friends of girls are not always nice people, let me disclose it to you. They may be just dual character people with zero self respect. They have the habit of sticking to a girl like a pest, no matter how openly they get insulted. According to the law of opposite poles, bad girls are usually attracted to nice guys if you really are and not when you are feigning (You cannot cheat a girl. If she finds you diplomatic, be ready to become her lifelong friend). But at the end of the day, very few girls are ready to sacrifice their false ego and hence, the result is usually a cipher.

Nice people always get the leftovers

This is true to some extent. This world is all about snatching and acquiring. If you do not ask for something, please be damn sure that you are not going to get one. You may feel the glory and happiness that comes with a sacrifice but you have to accept that you could not get something that you were worthy of and were forced to manage with the leftovers.

Nice guys have the God gifted ability to fight adversities

This means that nice people have greater ability to offer resistance to a difficulty. It may be because they have greater chances of meeting obstacles due to their truthful nature and as the time passes, this becomes an established habit. Good boys are generally obstinate in nature which emerges out as a merit under odd circumstances.

So guys, time to reform your opinion- Last is not always the least.