Premises of Judging a Person

Don't judge  a person if you aren't on the same page with him

When you choose to judge a person, you inadvertently tend to display the hidden facets of your inner self. How you make an outline of someone's personality starkly coincides with your power of ideation and your extent of reasoning put behind it.

Before assessing the worth of an individual, it is paramount to accurately weigh the complexities involved in this seemingly artless trait of human endeavor. What you find to be immaculate to your perspective, may turn out to be below par for other people, and your idea of a trifling may prove to be someone else's epitome of glory. Everyone is right in his own den of knowledge and perception. It rarely implies that your hefty standards confirm to their shaky yardsticks, or your inherent drive suffices to match their process of opinion formation.

It is of optimum importance to adjudicate the level of your own prudence before you embark upon drawing conclusion upon others. No one is perfect in this world, and we often fall prey to our eccentric ignorance of human subsistence metrics.  We regularly falter in putting ourselves in others' shoes, thereby, committing blunders in sizing up someone's moral stature. Our conscience derides us of our actual intent, and we are misled immensely by the prejudices we carry on our shoulders.

However, we are bound by our perennial tendency to evaluate and rank every guy passing through our memory lane. It never occurs to us that conformity to established norms is just another mundane error. Societal standards are never the same, and they deviate sharply in accordance with culture and time.  Being a bloke in the globe of starling uncertainties makes you adjust and adapt to different circumstances in varying proportions, and that's why we differ drastically in our approach to life events that subsequently contribute in shaping our social image. Many of us fail to realize this simple fact, and give way to presumption and short-sightedness.

A precarious entity we are, prone to untraceable mistakes, but we refuse to heed. It hurts our ingenuity to accept the fallacies of our inheritance, and we often juxtapose our past experiences alongside others' to pass a quick verdict upon them. This human weakness of unconsciously picturing ourselves flawless, and not willing to consider the flip side of the coin - is one of the principal biases we face in the modern world today. We draw naive conclusions unaware of the real time dynamics associated with the concerned entity. The substratum of our decision, hence, does not coincide with the gravity of the situation in a particular milieu, making our assessment faulty and redundable.

A consummate creation is just a produce of mind, and different auras appeal differently to people. Nothing is pristine in the real sense. What we perceive of others is just a reflection of our vivid imagery gained through a sequence of experimentation and trials. It is, therefore, innately essential to weigh the origin of the very premises on which you judge others. Before surmising others' virtue, it is extremely imperative to discern the limits of your acumen.